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Tag: 2 Young

The Top 50 Hong Kong Movies of the Decade (#20-11)

Now this is where the list gets serious. There might be a Donnie Yen or Ekin flick squeezed in the next twenty movies, but come on… I run this shit!

The top of the countdown can be found here, then our countdown went through the 30s spots, here and last week I released a post consisting of a lot of Ekin/Donnie Flicks, which can be found here.

The conclusion will be posted on 31st December, in time to welcome the new year. Read More

2 Young (2005)


Plot: The life’s of two young teenagers – Fu (Jaycee Chan) and Nam (Fiona Sit) lives could be more different. Fu comes from a poor working class family, his mother work two jobs, his father works as a mini bus driver and yet they could only afford to life in a small flat in a large tenement building. Where as Nam is the daughter of a wealthy barrister, he and his wife spend all their time away on business leaving Nam in the care of their servants.

Both of their lives suddenly change when they begin dating. Nam’s parents disapprove of Fu thinking that he’s only after one thing. Yet the opposite happens Fu introduces Nam to his parents, they are so proud that their son has found a lovely young lady to court.

When Fu and Nam go camping to celebrate the new year and they both get drunk. One thing leads to another and Nam falls pregnant. As you can expect both families are furious at them. Nam’s father orders her to move to America and have an abortion, but she refuses. Both Nam and Fu decide to run away and attempt to live life on their own without support from their families. With money running low and Nam getting more pregnant by the day you can tell right away this wont be easy. Read More