S1E4: Tsingtao Premium Lager and Efes Pilsner

The age old debate…Stones or the Beertles. Well hot off the presses, we have our very own episode (fab) four and if we’re talking solo careers, The Lager Logs is definitely the Ringo Starr of the podcasting world.

In this incredible instalment we have some highs, some lows, and a few drops heading straight down the centre…I knew I shouldn’t have worn that silk shirt.

Up tonight: We’re hitting you with a slice of globe-trotting grandeur- a favourite of Chinese restaurant connoisseurs around the world…international pale lager Tsingtao. We also Constantihople you like selection number 2…Turkish pilsner Efes. Cheers !

S1E3: Old Speckled Hen and Hobgoblin Ruby Beer

Party people, we’re back with a vengeance- part 3 in The Lager Logs saga has it all…mystery, intrigue and a severe need to break the seal.

We hope you’re enjoying our coverage so far but even if you’re not, look, I told you I’m no good with my hands- stop asking strange men at the beach to get your back for you. No, I don’t know if it’s SPF 30, I came here for the dunes. Tonight, funnily enough we’ll be talking a little beer, a little movies and what we’ve been getting upto in between court appearances. Be there or be square (I personally identify as an octagon)

Up tonight: A pair of British classics, and no I’m not talking about terrible weather and overwhelming xenophobia…Greene King’s Old Speckled Hen and Wychwood Brewery’s iconic Hobgoblin. Cheers!

S1E2: Greene King IPA Reserve and Hoegaarden Wheat Beer

Here we are. The sequel no one asked for…yes, I am talking about my Uncle No one (he’s from Cancún) this one’s for you big guy !

Due to the law of diminishing returns you’re guaranteed to have at least 25 percent less fun with this one or your megabits per second returned back for a full refund. We’ve change the plot a tad, brought back the characters you know and love but somehow it all smells a bit ‘been here, done that’…not to worry that’s just my cottage pie in the oven.

Up tonight: British institution Greene King’s IPA Reserve and a little bit of Dutch courage- wheat beer Hoegaarden. Cheers !

S1E1: Chang Classic Beer and Trooper Premium British Beer

Rejoice ! Beer drinkers of the world unite- the very first episode of The Lager Logs: Pints of View with Tom and Stew is here to just possibly save the universe. Like drinking ? Like podcasts ? Ever seen two naked men wrestle in front of a roaring fireplace in a passionate display of platonic man-love?…Well, 2 outta 3 ain’t bad.

Tune in as we discuss hard-hitting, explosive topics such as what is this foamy, fizzy thing in my glass? Is it ever OK to wear the same pair of pants 5 days in a row? Why am I like this? Do you think it’s something to do with my upbringing? And plenty more. Look, we got a whole case of bumper brewski fun so why not join us for lock-in at your new local…

Up tonight: Beast from the far east, Chang and beast from the number, Iron Maiden’s own Trooper. Cheers !