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Tag: An Eternal Combat

Review Updates (19 February 2009)

Hey with my current cold, I found time to bring over two more reviews onto the POF Review Archive. Our first review is by myself – An Eternal Combat, starring the late great Lam Ching-Ying, Joey Wong and Anthony Wong, one of my personal favorite Lam Ching-Ying films. The other review is from our main man Jeff Wildman, he has written a review on the Korean movie; A Bloody Aria, I’ve not got a clue about this one, why dont you read the review and tell me about it.

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An Eternal Combat (1984)

Plot: When a Taoist Priest – Cho-Lo (Lam Ching-Ying) and his two understudies (Parkman Wong and Shing Fiu-On) go on a quest to stop an Evil Japanese Ghost from killing villagers. They find themselves thrown one thousand years into modern day Hong Kong. Separated from his understudies, the priest ends up in a insane asylum when he tells people that he is a ‘Taoist Priest hunting down a Japanese Ghost’.

The Priest gets nicknamed ‘Teacher Hut’ by his asylum buddies and they even manage to help him escape from the asylum to search for his understudies. The Priest takes refuge in one of the asylum councilors homes, councilor Gigi (Joey Wong) believed in Cho-Lo’s story about the past and wants to help reunite him with his understudies, Wong and Ma.

Both Wong and Ma ended up arriving in a church, scared of their new surroundings they decide to hide in the church’s spare room, burning the bibles and cooking Cho-Lo’s carrier pigeons for food. The priests soon discover that the two are burning their precise bibles and throws them out on the streets looking for their teacher and something to eat!

Strangely enough the Japanese Ghost ended up at the Church the night both Wong and Ma arrived, but the power of a giant cross on stage absorbs him! The only way the ghost can get out is by possessing a human. The Ghost manages to posse the body of Gigi’s ex-boyfriend Ben (Anthony Wong). Now with the ghost taking over Ben, Cho-Lo and his disciples must save Gigi from the Ghost and find some way back to Ancient China. Read More