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Hong Kong X-Files (1998)

During the Ghost Festival a vengeful sprit appears and begins murdering men who regularly visit ‘Horny Keung’s Sauna Saloon’. Horny Keung is talented in the art of black magic and is very superstitious when it comes to wondering spirits. Keung also uses his black magic to control his masseurs, turning from masseurs into rapid sex machines, making his Saloon the best in Hong Kong.

Although after the first gruesome murder (a sleazy middle aged man had his penis ripped off) the police are called in to check this case out. Mui (Chin Kar-Lok) and Ben (Bowie Lam) are just plain confused by this murder, no man has the power to rip of limbs, so Mui starts to question is their is ghosts haunting the sauna. Ben being the traditional stubborn cop doesn’t give Mui’s suggestion a second thought.

The next night Mui returns to the Sauna to question a couple of the masseurs, although one of them trick and uses a strand of his pubic hair to cast put him under a spell. Horny Keung entraps Mui with the dire spell of blocking up Mui’s ass, leaving him very constipated. Although the masseur who mistreated Mui soon becomes very attached to him after he and Ben saved her from a gang rape from Keungs men.

The Masseur tells Mui and Ben about May, the ghost who is terrorizing the men at the sauna. May’s husband, Peter got tricked by Keung, leaving hi in the debt of 5 Million, yet she was unable to them. Peter attempted to escape and ended up getting murdered and May was raped then drowned, luckily enough May didn’t die, but she has ended up in a coma. Now her sprit is killing off Keungs men, seeking vengeance. But everything her sprit leaves her body she has less chance of recovering….

The only way of contacting May now is through a elderly/ghostly kung fu fighting doctor!

Enough of the story, as you can tell this is the time of Chin Kar-Loks ‘Category 3 / B-Movie’ stage. Sure this film is quite bad at some points with occasional sex scenes and just some damn plain cheesy-ness. Chin Kar-Lok doesn’t get to show off any moves, the only time he fought was just a kick which was used with the aid of a wire.

The film isn’t as bad as everyone thinks, I’m thinking if they had loosed the porno scenes and some of the ‘blah’ comedy the film would have been more popular. When I first watched it I thought, this films getting chucked! but now I’m going to keep my little VCD and watch when im in the mood for a Cat. 3, B-Movie with Chin Kar-Lok. This was also the first time I’ve gotten to see a film with Bowie Lam, he seemed okay, his role suited him.

Final thoughts, this isn’t the best movie to get and please if you are buying don’t spend too much on it!

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